Binge watch 3 TV shows- Monk

Well, if this isn't a show to make me feel a bit better about myself, I don't know what is! No matter how bad my OCD and anxiety gets, I can at least say I'm not as bad as Monk. That's a good starting point, right? Right!??! I digress. Reruns were running, and we started DVRing. Then we binged. A good time was had.
I like watching crime shows, and this is a superbly entertaining one. You get to follow along with the “Defective Detective” himself as he battles his severe OCD while trying to regain his status on the police force. Acting as private investigator, he’s allowed to function as a hired hand on the scene, but not allowed to carry a gun. I mean, really, no one trusts Monk with a gun, so it’s for the best.

Through the series, we’re introduced to a great cast of supporting characters. From his ever-exasperated Captain Leland, to his personal assistant Sharona who makes far too little for dealing with him, everyone has a role to play in keeping Monk relatively saneish. I wasn’t especially happy when Sharona was replaced with Natalie, who just didn’t have the same presence, but that happens.

The main story that wove between all the seasons was Monk trying to find out who had murdered his soulmate and wife, Trudy. His anxieties and OCD really spun out of control at that time, and he became obsessed with the idea that things would be okay if he could just solve her murder. No matter what the “case of the week” was, there was usually a nod to Trudy in some way, which was nice. It made Monk more of a sympathetic character, no matter how flawed and ultimately aggravating he could be.

When a show can make you laugh, cry, root for every character, and ultimately provides a series finale after 8 seasons that neatly ties up everyone’s stories without seeming unbelievable or like the writers just tossed something in to end it, I call that a success.

A Liliom Press Independent Author
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