Reality is Best Served with Red Wine

While deep in his cups, he takes readers on a sometimes funny, sometimes poignant journey. Playful yet serious, humorous yet honest, the bounce between bottles delivers readers on a stroll through everything. It's a lighthearted memoir blended with sharp philosophy. The result is a unique, revealing look at the modern world.

In life, we all make choices. Some good, some bad, some with an indeterminate effect on our futures until we sit down and look back with a more critical eye and put the pieces together. Written as a memoir, Reality Is Best served… takes you through life changes and choices that have made J Edward Neill the man he is today, paired with existential questions and ponderings that we’ve all had ourselves while listening to the rumble of a storm with a glass or two… or ten.

Reading about his grandmother brought a tear to my eye, as I’ve recently lost my own. Those memories will ache for a long time, I think, and it’s comforting to see that others have managed to come to terms with a sudden loss and cherish the memories while absorbing the hurt and using it to move forward. This is a compelling glimpse behind the turbulent, chaotic, creative, poignant mind of a writer.

A Liliom Press Independent Author
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