
We always long for what fate has denied us. Emina has had her share of bad luck. She was orphaned at a young age and now is completely alone after the death of her aunt. Although she is content with her solitude, she longs for something more.

When she loses her job and is dumped by her boyfriend in the same week, the prospect of a new job offered by a mysterious stranger is both enticing and terrifying. This new job opens her eyes to a world she didn’t know existed, a world where myths and legends collide with reality. Will this new life give her everything she’s ever wanted or lead her down a path to her own demise…

After taking a break from reading, I was given Antecedent as a gift. You know… you’d think after centuries, guys would get less boneheaded. Apparently not. Bo is one of those men you’d like to hug before you strangled him.

I found myself laughing at his antics, only to give a mental face palm in the next minute. Antecedent has a great cast of characters that are nicely fleshed out. You begin to root for them… yes, even poor clueless Bo.

I usually love stories with the hot, graphic sex to draw me in, but this one had none of that. There were spicy romantic moments, but none of the raunchy stuff I usually read.

Which makes it even more odd for me to say, this was a 5 star read for me. The story capitvates you, drawing you in. At the end, I stared thinking… that can’t be it! I immediately rushed to buy Antecedent: Reborn, then stayed up all night to finish that one.

This series is one for the “keeper” list.

A Liliom Press Independent Author
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