The Dirty Secret

Promising young architect Killian Fitzroy: Driven, clever, eager to prove himself. Starved for sex, though he's come to me for professional assistance, not personal. Needs: Someone unique, creative and fast. An artist with a feminine perspective to breathe life into a house he's built.

Aspiring scenic designer Vessa Ratham: Sensuous, spontaneous, but secretive. Recently returned to Vermont armed with an art degree that qualifies her for little more than waiting tables. Needs: An opportunity to shine. Yes, Killian and Vessa will satisfy each other nicely--in more ways than one.

I haven’t been reading as much as I usually do. Sad, but true. However, after getting a copy of The Dirty Secret, I dove right in. I couldn’t stop reading, so I stayed up most of the night to finish!

Kira manages to make each new chapter intriguing enough that you have to keep reading to see the next room done, to see the next steamy scene that unfolds. You begin to root for them early on… the chemistry is built up slowly, but you can tell they really do make each other happy, they just needed time to see it.

While I normally prefer darker/harder reads, this one was sweet with a bit of spice, and kept me well entertained until I finished at 4am. The details help make the story. You can almost visualize each room like a movie, the rich elements added and the overall feel of sultry seduction woven into each tableau. I adore the vision for the bedroom, it sounds simply hedonistic. I’ll never look at pearls the same way again, that’s for sure.

I especially liked the premise of Donna Edith’s consultations. How neat would that be, to go in with no clue what you really need, and have someone pair you with exactly what your life has been asking for all this time? I want a Donna Edith of my own!

A Liliom Press Independent Author
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