Broken Oaths

Four men, four lives, each one of them stained by lies, corruption and doubt. Can love show them the path to redemption, or will broken oaths, fear and grief make the crosses they bear too heavy a mantle to carry. Love is Love.

I haven’t been reading as much lately, but was determined to start making time to read again. I won Broken Oaths at a book release party, and figured it’d be a great time to start. I’ve never read M/M, so this was completely new to me.

Overall, I enjoyed the story. It was compelling, the characters were well fleshed out. The situations seemed believable and not one of those kind of things that make you go “Oh come on!” while reading. While the storyline seemed like it had a few too many plot turns, it was mostly because I wanted that HEA to happen and each twist served to make it seem further. There were a few typos that I noticed while reading, but most were easy to figure out. “Plan” instead of “plane”, “steel” instead of “steal”. Not anything that really detracted from the story itself.

The only thing that annoyed me was how dense the men were with each other, and how it seemed they were ready to admit their feelings and then they just stopped and turned away. If a book has characters that makes me root for them and get annoyed when they’re being stupid in love, then that author has made the characters feel like flesh and blood, and invited me into their world. To me, when I “feel” along with the characters, it’s the highest compliment I can give to an author. I look forward to reading more and will definitely be adding these authors to my reading list.

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